Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cattle Drive - Eureka, MT

We headed up to the Laughing Water Ranch to observe one of many cattle drives they do in the spring and fall. What a day! We watched ranchers and guests on horseback round up cattle in a field, get them into the corner, open up the gate, and drive them about 10 miles to a grazing pasture. It's quite an experience for the guests staying at the ranch.

The week starts off with basic lessons on seprating cattle, first on foot, then eventually on horseback. they keep it exciting by making it almost like a competition. Later in the week, after you've gotten to know your horse and do some basic work, you enjoy a trail ride in some of the Flathead National Forest (which borders the ranch on 3 sides) before heading out on Friday for the drive.

It looks like an amzing time at the Ranch and everyone appeared ready for the task at hand. The drive we observed was a smashing sucess, complete with lunch by a beautiful lake, looking over the mountains and cattle as they wet their whistle before heading on to greener pastures.

Be sure to visit Glacier Adventure to see the video of the cattle drive and check out all of our Glacier National Park and Flathead Valley videos.

See you at the ranch!!



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