Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Horseback in Glacier National Park

We went out last week with the Swan Mountain Outfitters on a beautiful, albeit windy, day in the Many Glacier Area of Glacier National Park.

The alpine section of The Going To The Sun Road was still snowed in so we took the "long way" to the East Side (Rt 2). It took us about 3 hours from Whitefish.

Once we got there we checked in and signed (and initialed) the appropriate spots on the waiver. We opted to not wear helmets which require more signatures and initials. (Helmets are mandatory for riders under 18)

Next we got the safety briefing from John the GM and then the basics on horse riding from Georgeann, one of the wranglers who joined us on our trip, Hope was the other one.

A couple of quick notes from the safety meeting:
No riders over 250lbs
No video cameras allowed on the ride (still photos ok)
No straps around your neck (purses, cameras, binoculars etc.)
Close-toed shoes and long pants are required (no shorts, sandals, flip-flops etc)

After the brief instruction, we were paired up with our horses, mounted up and hit the trail.

We went out on the 2 hour Cracker Flats ride that took us along the shore of Lake Sherburne and on to Cracker Flats. It was a great way to get out into an absolutely beautiful area of Glacier National Park and it doesn't require you to have any horse training to enjoy riding one of these beautiful animals.

So grab the entire family (if they are over 6 on the West side, over 7 on the East) and head out into the back country of Glacier National Park on horseback. It'll be a trip you won't soon forget.

Happy Trails!!



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