Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cool Day!

Yesterday was a great day. I started off in Eureka stopping in to meet, greet and hand out business cards. I also met a couple of cool people who gave me quite a bit of information on Rendezvous Days. Someting we will be covering and bringing you pictures, video and audio of all the happenings.

After cruising back down and picking up Hill, we headed out with the recorder and took the afternoon to record for our radio show Glacier Adventures with Jay & Hill on

The first stop was 'New York Hot Dawgs' for some authentic, real deal hot dogs. Straight from New York, the cart, the food, and the ladies could just as easily be on Broadway and 21st st in The big Apple. Liz and Shari are behind the courthouse in Kalispell on First Avenue from 11 - 3 daily and ready to transport you 3,000 miles in your first bite.

Our next stop brought us to Mexico as we visited with Steve and John Espinoza at their tamale stand on Rt. 2 (near 4th st.) in Kalispell. It's an amazing story and you can hear it this Friday on Glacier Adventures. After feeding us, Steve sat down beneath the green awning, propane burners cooking away in ther background, and talked to us in depth about John's Golf Course and how he came to be selling the best tamales in the Northwest just miles from us.

And finally we ended up at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center to talk with Chuck Curry, flight paramedic with A.L.E.R.T. air aimbulance. That whirly bird is like an ambulance on steroids that flies. It makes me want to go back to EMT school.

... and we topped it all off with frozen pizza for dinner. mmmmmm

What a day! Make sure you tune in to check it out. and click on the radio logo.

Glacier Adventures on Whitefish Radio. Every Friday @ 10:00am MST and anytime on demand.

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