Monday, April 21, 2008

Mantracking in the Flathead Valley

One of the cool cool thing about living here full time is the variety of activities available just keeps growing and growing.

This weekend we had an old friend in town who we met when we were members of Flathead County Search and Rescue. He is a professional Man-Tracker and provides training for search and rescue groups, law enforcement, and military personell around the world.

His name is Joel Hardin and he is the Master Teacher and Educator for Joel Hardin Professional Tracking Services. He was in town this weekend holding a class on crime scene preservation and man tracking which was attended by members of local search and rescue teams and law enforcement officers.

Students were taught how to see 'sign' (evidence of someone passing) and follow that sign. They were also taught how to track while preserving possible evidence at a crime scene. This is done in classroom and hands on in the field.
You also learn how to work as a team, how to document clearly, and how to communicate what you have documented. (try describing what a partial footprint looks like over a radio)

It's a great class and even if you are not involved in SAR or law enforcement, you can still take one of Joel's classes. I guarantee you will never look at the ground the same way again

Classes are held year round at different locations around the country. For a complete listing of classes and locations go to Joel Hardin's website at

It's a truly amazing skill and the more you learn, the more you realize how much more you can learn.

...and don't forget to go to Glacier Adventure for all of you Glacier National Park and surrounding area happenings.

see you in the dirt.



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