Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Wait With a View

If you are headed to Glacier National Park and the Going-to-the-Sun Road be prepared for some construction delays. We took a trip up yesterday and found ourselves nuzzling the retaining wall as we waited for about 20 minutes. Don't let the wait time scare you, unlike bumper to bumper traffic on Manhattan's Westside Highway or out on the Ventura Highway, if you come prepared you might enjoy the unusual stop.

Bring binoculars! Get out of the car and look around, closer inspection will reveal the mechanics of this engineering marvel. I was surprised to see bolts holding together the rock cliff above us, something we'd breeze right by any other time on the road. You might also spy a mountain goat or bighorn sheep.

If you dont' feel like sitting behind the wheel sit in the passenger's seat and let the park do the driving, the Going-to-the-Sun Road offers shuttle service so you can click photos and spy the valley below.

This marks the 75th Anniversary of the Going-to-the-Sun Road, click here to visit our page and see the celebration.


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